Tiny Blue Ghost is a band we've talked about and listened to for quite some time now. 2017's "Growing Pains" was the record that introduced us to the term "Dreamo" and it's a term we've used time and time again to describe the dreamy emo bedroom pop we drown ourselves in. With that being said, early this year Tiny Blue Ghost released "Mend Again" and we think now would be a great time to discuss Tiny Blue Ghost and Mend Again a bit more in depth. What subjectively makes Dream Pop good? What makes something "Dreamo"? While the ladder might be the obvious mixture of Dream Pop / Dreamy qualities with the emo vibes and tones, Dream Pop might not be so obvious to many people. It's a question we get a lot in our lives outside Polaris, "What's Dream Pop?" Tiny Blue Ghost, specifically "Growing Pains" was a record I would show people who didn't quite understand Dream Pop or the other x-Pop genres that havebecome popular in DIY culture. And "Mend Again" is an example of how Dream Pop / Bedroom Pop have evolved and can evolve and shape an artist growth over the span of a few months to a year. "What IS Dream Pop?" It's the airy vocals, the vibrato guitar, the twangy tones and echoed strums. The smooth and vintage bass tones, the muffled and sharp drum cuts and the ability to shift through tempo as quickly as a dream changes landscape. Oddly enough, that description of Dream Pop above suspiciously fits Tiny Blue Ghost and generally their entire discography. From tracks like "Embers" off their 2016 EP "The Road" to "Hurricane", a single off "Mend Again", the qualities of Dream Pop are at the front of just about every track in just about every way that can make Dream Pop such a dynamic and vibrant genre. "Mend Again", a 10 track record that comes in just a bit over 30 minutes, gets listeners lost in spacey and dreamlike melodies. From it's opening track "Euphoria" we're treated to a much more energetic tone than Tiny Blue Ghost has given us before, the music almost seems alive and aware of the emotion and passion that was put into its creation. Tracks like "Red Rover" and the titular "Mend Again" are standouts, both tracks holding our hand through small little journeys with dynamic ups and downs and compositions that really highlight the music talent behind Tiny Blue Ghost. "Suspension", which is very reminiscent of tracks off "The Road" EP gives us the trademark Dreamo sound that Tiny Blue Ghost introduced us to back with "Growing Pains" almost two years ago. The record, in it's entirety is another fantastic example and introduction to the Dream Pop and x-Pop genres as a whole and it's honestly more than impressive to see a band hold up such strong consistencies for three years. The growth is shown through self awareness and new found appreciation for their art and it shows, the increased quality and ever so tiny attention to details that gentle touch your ear drums in every track of "Mend Again" truly make it something very very special. So, you might be asking one more time...What actually is Dream-Pop? Well, it's not a sound or aesthetic as much as it is something that defines a band at their core. Sure, using it as a genre label works just as fine, we see the same argument with Lofi and Emo. Dream Pop and Bedroom Pop are really no different. Bands like Tiny Blue Ghost and records like "Mend Again" prove it, prove that the label of a genre goes beyond more than how something sounds and in many ways takes note in the creation of the music itself and the drive behind the artist behind it. Dream Pop is more than Dream Pop, you know, and we might be repeating ourselves here but Tiny Blue Ghost has shown us that for the past three years...and It's about time they show you too. You can check out Tiny Blue Ghost on their associated Social Media pages, as well as checking out "Mend Again", "Growing Pains" and "The Road" on their bandcamp, we absolutely recommend listening to them in order of release if you've got the time but if not you should really check out "Mend Again" since it's the peak of their talent and drive thus far. Lastly, if you like what we do here at Polaris DIY and want to see more, feel free to give us a like and share on Facebook, it'd be real cool if you did. Tiny Blue Ghost Music Website Polaris DIY