First, Stop what you're doing and pick up this record. Purchasing information will be posted down below. Here at Polaris, we constantly talk about our favorite releases of the year, and for all of us it's been very difficult to narrow down a single favorite release, especially since 2017 has been an outstanding year. However, a few months back we had the chance to pick up "I Don't Know What to Do Now" by Vagabonds, and it absolutely deserves not only out best of 2017 choice, but most likely yours too. An Intimate and Emotional Masterpiece that revives a flavorful nostalgia left behind by bands like Old Gray and Brand New. Released via our friends at Blood & Ink Records, "I Don't Know What To Do Now" puts listeners in the shoes of a person dealing with what can only be assumed to be incredible depression. Emotionally speaking, the records covers a wide range of downers as well as having moments of inspiration. Tracks like "Nails" and "Thanks Anyways" give off subtle hopeful vibes in contrast to the records overall stressing sadness. Speaking for the instrumentals now, The album is an impressive demonstration of tones, ranging from Post-emo Guitar fuzz to soft sensual piano. "I Don't Know What To Do Know" has some of the most outstanding vocal, this is very dominant on tracks like "Nineveh" and "Ambulance (I Am Nothing)", the vocals haunt the listener with captivating stories of pain and love. We absolutely recommend you not only take a listen, but purchase and support Vagabonds. Without a doubt "I Don't Know What to Do Now" is our release of the year. A journey through sadness and joy, a record that touches you emotionally and inspires you. If you like what we do here at Polaris DIY, give us a share and a like and don't forget to check out our Patreon!! Vagabonds https://bloodandink.bandcamp.com/album/i-dont-know-what-to-do-now - Purchase and Download the record!! https://www.facebook.com/VagabondsMichigan/ - Give a like and a share!!! Polaris DIY https://www.facebook.com/PolarisDIY/ https://www.patreon.com/PolarisDIY