"Always Already" is the newest release from Toronto Scream-Team, La Luna. An in your face, heavy, screamo experience that highlights the "revival" of powerviolence. An absolutely incredible record from start to finish, and a must listen for any fan of heavier music. Let's take a few minutes and take an in depth look at what not only makes La Luna such a phenomenal band, but what makes this record such an outstanding release. Released Via Mellow Club (originally released via Middle Man Records) and currently for purchase on The Mellow Club web store (links below) the Record "Always Already" is without a doubt what I'll be showing people from now on when they ask for heavier music outside of progressive genres. It's influential on it's own without hanging off the sounds that inspired it. Every track keeps the momentum of the record flowing, without a dull moment Always Already keeps listeners on edge with such heavy instrumentals twisted in with equally heavy emotional lyrics. Those qualities are what make La Luna such an important band, the pure emotion and passion that comes from not only from vocalist (Vanessa Gloux) but from the instrumentals that shadow. It's why Always Already was a scene favorite shortly after release, there's just not much else as unique and inspiring as it, From Start to Finish, Always Already is fantastic. We recommend you have a listen to "Always Already" ASAP, and we recommend you go like and follow La Luna on Facebook, Bandcamp, and everywhere you can find them. You can check out a Luna Tour dates in the image below and you should try your best to check them out live! If you're interested in buying yourself a copy of Always Already, check out the Mellow Club Web Store link below, and lastly if you like what we do here at Polaris DIY, check out our FB page and Patreon!
La Luna
https://lalunaband.bandcamp.com/ House Party Official Music Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZKy_7TpUMc Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lalunatoronto/ Mellow Club
Web Store - http://mellowclub.storenvy.com/ Polaris DIY Facebook.com/polaris DIY Patreon.com/polarisDIY